įº¸µð¾Æ Angkor Wat Temple
ÇØ¿Ü¿øÁ¤ 2007/11/09 19:39   http://blog.azoomma.com/jongyeoul78/260762
The South Gate of Angkor Thom is an awesome site. 
This sparkling silver temple was funded and built by a fantastic Thai artist. 

Angkor's early temples were created as Hindu places of worship but the Bayon, built in the 12th century, was the official state temple of Mahayana Buddhist King Jayavarman VII. 
This enterprising Cambodian beauty spends her time arranging and rearranging flowers at Banteay Srei. Her youth set against the weathered sandstone makes for the perfect photo (and a good little business!) 
Pink lotus set off the pink sandstone of petite Banteay Srei. 
Apsarases are women of grace and beauty who specialise in dancing. 
The roots of Silk Cotton trees and Strangler Figs demonstrate the power of nature at Ta Prohm. 
One of the 216 giant faces that observes you as you explore Bayon temple. 
Angkorian warriors line the entrance to Angkor Thom. 

A monk contemplates the morning at Angkor Wat.